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After you buy my book (😁), be sure to check out Boys of Laurel, a fine book written by my old tennis playing pal Dr. James W Freeman, at !!
“A zippy sci-fi adventure that keeps both the narrator and the reader on their toes....” Kirkus Reviews
Humans love a little controversy. And some humor to help keep things level. Plus a little adventure to engage the imagination. Oh yeah, and try to make the gears of your mind whirr and grind. Exophobe — from D. Kenton Mellott talks about the Bell Curve, the genetic basis of intelligence, electromagnetic wave manipulation, chili pequins, Copper Gorillas, telly-telekinesis and artificial intelligence.

And that’s just the first few chapters.

Best to eat light.
A virus that has been steadily lowering human intelligence every generation since 1945?
Deliberate electromagnetic wave misuse!
Adaptive strategies in global conflict?
We are one generation away from utter entropic chaos. Holy crap, that sounds bad!
I read Exophobe and loved it -- now tell me about Exophobic: Making Waves.
“...the prose is intellectually invigorating, and theories generated by characters are striking. Leisurely paced but intelligent and profound...” Kirkus Reviews
It’s now six months later, and Enoch — as CEO of that secret organization — must join with Phoebe, Dee and the rest of the crew to face some disturbing new developments. Such as a virus designed to lower human intelligence; tracking down and finding two new possibly (probably) dangerous electromagnetic entities (eemees) who entered our world through hi-tech pentacle portals; figure out who hacked into the NSA; and stop whomever (whoever) is responsible for manipulating electromagnetic waves and spreading absolute freaking chaos throughout the digital world. Geez, and Enoch thought all he had to worry about was getting married... Whole-Lee-Key-Wrap!

Join in the adventure of Exophobic: Making Waves.
A virus that has been steadily lowering human intelligence every generation since 1945?
Deliberate electromagnetic wave misuse!
Adaptive strategies in global conflict?
We are one generation away from utter entropic chaos. Holy crap, that sounds bad!
I read Exophobic: Making Waves and loved it -- now tell me about Exophobe.
Purpose of this website
Hold on, who said I had to have a purpose? Fine, just trying to make a buck or two with a little fictional idea I made up.
Whose books?
D. Kenton Mellott is madly weaving his way around the EM waves working on his next book. Authors are always working on their next book. Or, their next beer. Go figure. He plays tennis, baseball, basketball — works out when he drinks too much beer — married his high school sweetheart and had one remarkable offspring. He tends to think of himself as residing on the right side of the bell curve but (sadly) most days can''t find his freaking car keys. He will happily answer your email at Unless he is drinking beer. Or, writing. Or looking for this freaking car keys...
What are you selling?
The adventures of Enoch, Dee, Phoebe, Dr. Panglaws, Tom, Mando and everyone working at PHANTASM (Preventing Horrors And Nightmares Through Active Spectrum Monitoring) to prevent electromagnetic (EM) wave manipulation and to keep an eye on eemees (electromagnetic entities). Don't ask. Hold on, I need you to ask -- and to buy !!!
What the *%&$%* is an Exophobe?
word-forming element meaning "outer, outside, outer part" used from mid-19c. in scientific words (such as exoskeleton), from Greek exo "outside," related to ex "out of" (see ex-).
word-forming element meaning "one who fears or hates," from French -phobe, from Latin -phobus, from Greek -phobos "fearing," from phobos "fear, panic, flight," phobein "put to flight, frighten" (see phobia).
Gimme a break – tell me more!
Fine. Here’s the blurb from the book cover:
My life changed forever on a Friday.

Where are my manners?

My name is Enoch Maarduk.

I simply posted a harmless little idea on my blog site—electromagnetic (EM) beings that come to Earth.

Geez, just trying to make a buck or two with a little fictional idea I made up.

Then this gun-toting, polyester jacketed, dude shows up at my condo and wants to know where I got my information.

Oh yeah; and then this secret organization wants to recruit me—you know, save the world and all that crap.

And then there’s Phoebe—the PHANTASM operative—as well as an incredible artificial intelligence (AI) named Dee. Plus these silly ass BB electrostatic BB gun things and black mambas and eemees and Mach 5 hypersonic planes and...

Well, these EM waves will offer a really wild ride.
Best to eat light.
What books are available?
Exophobe (already published)
Exophobic: Making Waves (already published)
Exophobia: Mind Matters (currently being written)
Is it a series?
No -- same characters, but each book is self-contained (but please buy both, plus the new one !)
What kind of books are these?
Science with some fiction. Techno-adventure and bad puns. Read a sample chapter and then buy !!!
I Want to Read A Sample Chapter Before I Buy
Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll email you a link to download the ridiculously great first chapter of each book if you sign up for our newsletter. We swear we will not sell, lease, barter, give away, trade or otherwise make your information available to any third-party, hell, even a fourth-party.
Did You Say There Was a New Book
Dang, you are sharp. Still working on it, but we will let you enjoy the first chapter. We swear the same pledge as we mentioned in the section above. Damn, I swear!
Hello sir! I just wanted to share with you that this book is one of my favorite books ever. The imagery, detail, diction, all of it was flawless to me. I stumbled upon this book in a small out-of-the-way bookstore and I am so glad I did. I can't explain it, but I really connect with this book in ways I haven't before. So thank you for Exophobe.
— Sincerely, Margaret (Meg) V.
This has easily become one of my favorite books of all time. I can’t wait for the next one! The style of writing is unique, entertaining, and highly immersive. Any passerby that witnessed my reading of the book would have surely thought me to be a raving lunatic. Often I would burst out with laughter and in return receive strange looks. I will recommend this book to everyone I know!
— Jeremy F.
A wonderfully entertaining read while maintaining intellectual thought. So rare... to have implications on a philosophical level without sacrifi­cing fun and energy. Defi­nitely looking forward to the next one.
— Kelly H.
If you like your science fiction leavened with humor, brainy wordplay and a whiff of romance, look into D. Kenton Mellott’s latest novel, Exophobe... The book is skillfully wrought, with enough geeky stuff to satisfy the sci-fi regular and more than its share of literary-historical-philosophical musings to appeal to the rest of us.
— Suzanne Y
Kirkus Reviews
A zippy sci-fi adventure that keeps both the narrator and the reader on their toes.

Usually on a Friday night, blogger Enoch Maarduk would be out with his buddies... But on the one night he decides to stay home, his life changes forever: A representative, Phoebe... — from a shadowy organization called PHANTASM — shows up at Enoch’s door with an offer and a mission.

PHANTASM claims that Enoch’s theoretical, unproven work on electromagnetic energy is far from fantastical; in fact, it presents real potential for — and danger to — the future of mankind. As Enoch and Phoebe embark upon an investigation into a colleague’s mysterious death, they discover a global network of electromagnetic beings that can manipulate another creature’s volition as a means of achieving their own nefarious ends. As Enoch and Phoebe dig deeper, they uncover a plot that brings the revelation unsettlingly close to home — humans may be the next target.

Mellott blends high-tech sci-fi with rapid-fire dialogue, making for an appropriately high-energy reading experience. Told from Enoch’s point of view, the narrative balances the action with its protagonist’s inner thoughts and witty asides. Occasionally, Enoch is a bit too clever for his own good, posturing for the reader and for Phoebe, but he’s just as often cut down to size by his own folly and boyish arrogance via sharp one-liners delivered by the flinty Phoebe.

Readers will delight in Mellott’s flights of imagination as well as in his feel for emotional slapstick. Steeped in cutting-edge neuroscience, literary arcane and comic-book culture, this action-packed tale will satisfy readers looking for entertainment with substance.

— from Kirkus Reviews
An agency monitoring illegal manipulation of electromagnetic waves may have uncovered an attempt to control humanity in Mellott’s (Exophobe, 2012, etc.) latest sci-fi outing. Enoch Maarduk has a heap of troubles now that he’s CEO of Preventing Horrors and Nightmares Through Active Spectrum Monitoring.

For starters, an electromagnetic entity, or eemee, named Jabel may have escaped its electromagnetic spectrum through the last active pentacle (a gateway of sorts into the human world). At the same time, someone has also tried to hack into PHANTASM, and Enoch’s old enemy, Hume, despite his comatose state, is missing from his hospital bed. So Enoch; Enoch’s fiancee/co-worker, Phoebe; and friendly eemee Dee (an ever present voice in Enoch’s ComUnit) travel to Scotland to stop Jabel from retrieving pentacle schematics.

There’s a lot happening in the first half, but Mellott wisely focuses on the team’s tracking of Jabel. Enoch’s tendency to make lists also keeps the subplots in order, including the introduction of a new creature called an eemite that, unlike eemees, isn’t limited to occupying the human body when on Earth. Tension escalates, especially once Enoch, et. al., find another eemee, Luriel.

He and Jabel have drastically different ways to thwart a genetic virus that adversely affects human intelligence, and Enoch isn’t sure which, if either, to trust. The latter half, comprised largely of dialogue, slows as Enoch discusses with the eemees how best to combat the virus.

The narrative becomes almost entirely conceptual during the lengthy scene within the electromagnetic spectrum, where physical bodies don’t truly exist, and Mellott doesn’t give the spectrum much of a visual description. Still, the prose is intellectually invigorating, and theories generated by characters are striking.

Enoch is a breezy protagonist who never shies away from a pun, freely acknowledging that at least some of them are terrible. He likewise avoids hard-core cursing; “crap,” it seems, is his word of choice or weird variations like “Key-Wrap.”

Leisurely paced but intelligent and profound, even at its goofiest.

— from Kirkus Reviews
Kirkus Exophobe
Kirkus Exophobic
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